Je suis l'alpha et l'oméga, le premier et le dernier, le commencement et la fin. Apocalypse 22:13 Revelation I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last!
To consult the Precepts of JESUS CHRIST
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Le poisson symbole de reconnaissance et de communication chrétienne. - The fish symbol of recognition and communication Christian!

39th Legislature

Members of Parliament

The Canadian Ministry

A New Team Now !...

  • News Releases
    Speech from the Throne
    April 4th 2006


    We welcome the next millennium with a sense of optimism; the RCMP Directional Statement 2000 reflects a renewed emphasis on our operations, aimed at making Canada and, in some respects, the world a safer place in which to live. We are a recognized national institution and within the overall context of the federal government’s priority to enhance the quality of life in Canada, we have the explicit commitment of the federal government — as articulated in the recent Speech from the Throne — to strengthen our capacity to address threats to public security.

    Press release of Tuesday June 27 2000 - the Tribune of Sherbrooke - Shortage of psychiatrists to the CHUS - During the last 10 months, six of the 18 members of the team of specialists in the department of psychiatry of the University Hospital complex of Sherbrooke gave their resignation - 30 - Serge Joseph Adrien Bourassa-Lacombe would like to know:  Were they implied in the file of the CHUS 398 068?  Were they confronted with the potential of dangerosity of the medium (even MAFIA MEDICAL)?  If somebody has information being able to help me to obtain justice against the medical profession implied in the file of the CHUS 398 068.  These revelations will be very appreciated to convince the culprits repentance and to understand that the truth which is known as celandine the body and cures the heart.  Then it is better for them that the truth is revealed the rather possible one, because Jesus-Christ will clarify one day what is hidden in darkness, and that he will express the intentions of the hearts.  Then each one will receive from God the praise that will be due for him!

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