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Complaint Rejected by the Police Deontology
against the Police of Sherbrooke 970422 970265?
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à la déontologie

Sainte-Foy, April 22, 1997



M. Serge Joseph Adrien Bourassa-Lacombe
103, rue Crescent, app105
REF/N. :

Dear Sir,

The present one follows upon our letter of April 16, 1997.

I received your form of complaint of April 5, 1997, concerning this incident to the police station of Sherbrooke, February 11, 1995, whereas you were arrested by error.

You seem to know that the time available to a citizen to lodge a complaint to the Police Deontology is two years, but you nevertheless decide to deposit your complaint, by supporting you on the term «generally» which appears on our form of complaint.

You are entitled to explanations and, in this direction, I reproduce hereafter specified of article 52 of the Law on the police organization.

«The right to lodge a complaint of deontology matter against a police officer is prescribed by two years, except if this fault also constitutes a punishable criminal act by way of committal for trial only.»

I must now say to you that the reproaches which you make to the police officers in the present complaint do not constitute within the meaning of the Criminal Code a punishable criminal act by committal for trial. You will excuse me not to explain you more what constitutes a criminal act of this category.

All this to conclude that your complaint is inadmissible, for lack of jurisdiction of the Commissioner.

Sincerely yours

The commissioner for the police deontology

Me Denis Racicot
1200, Route de l'Église, RC. 20
Sainte-Foy (Quebec)
G1V 4Y9
Phone : (418) 643-7897
Telecopy : (418) 528-9473


Je suis l'alpha et l'oméga, le premier et le dernier, le commencement et la fin. Apocalypse 22:13 Revelation I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against
all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men,
who hold the truth in unrighteousness; 
Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them;
for God hath shewed it unto them.
Romans 1:18-19 (King James Version)
Le poisson symbole de reconnaissance et de communication chrétienne. - The fish symbol of recognition and communication Christian.