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Closing of the File by the Police Deontology
against the Court House of Montreal
Special Constable 970611 970226 ?
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à la déontologie

Sainte-Foy, June 11, 1997

M. Serge Joseph Adrien Bourassa-Lacombe
103, rue Crescent, app105


REF/N : 97-0226

Dear Sir,


The present one follows upon the letter that we addressed, April 16, 1997.

In this file, we decided to make an investigation to initially allow us to determine which were the agents aimed by your complaint and then to establish if they were or not subjected to the jurisdiction of the Commissioner.

However, a representative of the general Management of the correctional services of the ministry for the public Security informed us that the agents concerned the correctional services. The Code of ethics of the police deontology of Quebec thus does not apply to them.

As, must we answer you as we do not have any jurisdiction to go more before in this file. We thus close it.


Sincerely yours



The assistant commissioner,
Louise Marcotte, lawyer
1200, Route de l'Église, RC. 20
Sainte-Foy (Quebec)
G1V 4Y9
Phone : (418) 643-7897
Telecopy : (418) 528-9473
Je suis l'alpha et l'oméga, le premier et le dernier, le commencement et la fin. Apocalypse 22:13 Revelation I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against
all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men,
who hold the truth in unrighteousness; 
Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them;
for God hath shewed it unto them.
Romans 1:18-19 (King James Version)
Le poisson symbole de reconnaissance et de communication chrétienne. - The fish symbol of recognition and communication Christian.