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Complaint Rejected by the Police Deontology
against the Police of Sherbrooke 980604 970230?
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à la déontologie

Montreal, June 4, 1998

Mr Serge Bourassa-Lacombe
19, Gérin-Lajoie - app 3
J1A 1R3
REF/N : 97-0230

Dear Sir,

We examined the report of investigation in the file quoted in title.

It is decided to reject your complaint in this business for the following reasons:

The plaintiff, Mr Serge Bourassa-Lacombe pleads that February the 12, and 19 1997, he went to the municipal Safety of Sherbrooke and that with these two recoveries one refused to him of the assistance to formulate " a complaint of criminal nature towards people who in 1994-95 lied against me and by the fact the clerk had committed a very serious public misdeed and high treason. What caused to me a reparable wrong for somebody who believes as me in the miracle because I have an unquestionable faith and my history will make ball of snow for the good of all if God wants it ".


He also pleads that on March 04, 1997 the detectives Richard Fontaine (now deceased) and Jean Perreault of the municipal Safety of Sherbrooke would have refused to inquire into " into Gaétane Gagné, Raynald Lacombe says Renald, Yvan Denis, Gerard Déhaies... so that justice is returned for the good of all! "

The investigation ordered by the Police chief with the police deontology did not make it possible to identify some base that it is at the requests of the plaintiff made to the various implied police officers February the 12, 19 and March 04, 1997, making it possible the latter to take action pursuant to it. It is followed from there that one does not even find with the file a proof preceded facie that the implied police officers would have posed some derogatory act that it is.

In accordance with article 74 of the Law on the police organization, the complaint is thus rejected.

You have the right to make revise this decision by the Committee of police deontology. If you want to exert this right, you will have to deposit, in the 15 days of the notification of this decision, a written declaration containing an explanatory memorandum called upon with the support of your request for revision for the following address:

Comité de déontologie policière
Édifice SSQ - Tour Saint-Laurent
2525, boul. Laurier, bureau A-200, 2e étage
Sainte-Foy (Quebec) G1V 4Z6
Fax: 418-528-0987


Sincerely yours

The associated Police chief,


Yves-Albert Paquette, lawyer
1200, Route de l'Église, RC. 20
Sainte-Foy (Quebec)
G1V 4Y9
Phone : (418) 643-7897
Telecopy : (418) 528-9473
Email: deontologie-policière@secpub.gouv.qc.ca


Je suis l'alpha et l'oméga, le premier et le dernier, le commencement et la fin. Apocalypse 22:13 Revelation I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against
all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men,
who hold the truth in unrighteousness; 
Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them;
for God hath shewed it unto them.
Romans 1:18-19 (King James Version)
Le poisson symbole de reconnaissance et de communication chrétienne. - The fish symbol of recognition and communication Christian.