BOURASSA-LACOMBE Serge Joseph Adrien

Independent Candidate - SHERBROOKE
Canada Elections 2000


Serge Joseph Adrien Bourassa-Lacombe - Independant Candidate - Sherbrooke - Election Canada 2000

Thank you for your support !

University of Sherbrooke debate - November 08 2000 11:30 to 13:30

Topic I: Role of the deputy in his district by specifying the specificity of Sherbrooke as a University town.

Vision of the University :

Instrument being used to develop tools which meet the needs for the community.

Role of the deputy vis-a-vis to the promotion of this one.

To be with the need listening of the citizens including the academics of our area.

Representing you with honestly and dignity in Ottawa.

To bring back the morals values in the government.

The position of the candidate vis-a-vis to the rise of tariffs of the metropolitan Commission of transport of Sherbrooke (CMTS).

I believe that shared transport should be a service offered free to the population it does not matter the individual. Who more is, we should think of instituting a program of pool transportation i.e. to organize a network of mutual voluntary aid of city downtown allowed and authorized by a law in order to encourage that which has means of transport to come to assistance of that which does not have any.

Topic II: The taxation coed and the realities connected to this one.

1 - Do you believe that the next government of Canada should increase the transfer payments to the title of education post-secondary by the means of Canadian Transfer health social programs (TCSPS)? If, yes, with how much do you evaluate this increase?

I believe that the government of Canada should increase the transfers and the increase in these transfers should be proportional to the amount of money which the government can recover by avoiding the bad decisions always engaging the public funds. Who more is, by respecting the supremacy of God while respecting the rule of the law to Canada people who are elected by the people should work for the people and not for their personal interests.

2. Do you believe that the next government of Canada should improve the programs of search and grants as well as the taxation for students? If so, by which measurements?

The next government of Canada should support the academic world by providing him the necessary amount of money in order to provide it a favourable framing with the study and search. With this intention the government should take the means which are necessary to succeed in abolishing any fraud and usurpation coming from all citizens including our possible elected officials and/or former.

Do you believe that the next government of Canada should make sure that are amended the Law on the royalty and the Law on the patents in order to adapt them to the problems of intellectual property in academic world? If so, which problems should take into account?

If the current Law concerning the royalty and the Law on the patents leaves room to fraud and usurpation this Law will have definitively to be re-examined and to correct in order to avoid lived stories as that of Dr. Valery Fabrikant at Concordia University August 24, 1992.

Topic III: The place of the young people in the Canadian company.

Employment for the young people.

We should create job for the young people, however with new technologies the creation of real job for the young people is found often absent in this case the Government of Canada should provide living conditions respecting the legal guarantees that offers the Canadian Charter of the rights and freedoms to them even principles of fundamental justice. A homeless person is persecuted in his right concerning the security of his person.

Subsidies for the sport.

It would be better to subsidize the sport instead of the immorality. 

Program youth.

It would be better to return to programs that supporting youth in moral education based in the respect of the others without accepting the immorality and the bad conscience of others.

It would also be necessary to take the great ways in order to decrease violence and the suicide in our schools.

Each one of us can do something every day to make our part so that the supremacy of God and the rule of the law shine in our lives.

Why Such Signature?

The diffusion of this electoral publicity is approved by Mr Etienne Pelletier, official agent of the candidate