into QUEBEC in CANADA since 1995! =»

WARN to the G8!…



Considering that since the quarter century since the G7 (now the G8) began its work on terrorism, a great deal has been accomplished. Information exchange arrangements, shared technical expertise and combined efforts of intelligence and law enforcement have all had a marked effect on terrorism. Together with partners around the world, the G8 has worked to ensure adoption of common principles and of concrete, coordinated action against terrorism. Despite these efforts, the tragic events of September 11th prove that complacency never was an option and certainly is not today. The terrorist attacks on September 11th gave new meaning to the concept of global threat, providing a painful reminder that terrorism respects no boundaries. Terrorism threatens the political, social and economic stability of all countries and all people

Considering that In their declaration of September 19 2001, the leaders of the G8 reaffirmed their determination to fight together the terrorism and requested all the competent ministers, including the ministers Justice and interior, to take concrete measures to increase the cooperation in the fight against the terrorism. Since - that this by the bias of the judicial cooperation destined to deprive the terrorist ones of support and of sanctuaries, of follow-up on the communications of the terrorist ones and criminal other on the internet, or again grace of the coordination at the operational level – the G8 took important measures to reinforce his anti-terrorist strategy. This gait target all the forms of terrorist activities and the crimes that support these everywhere in the world.

Considering that the countries of the G8 approved the Recommendations on the trans national crime. They count to apply these recommendations and do the promotion of the norms that they contain with the remainder of the international community as an exemplary practices to fight the crime and the terrorism.

Considering that the efforts to fight the terrorism do not stop themselves here. And that again initiatives are required from all the countries, to the national plan and in cooperation with the other nations, climb a really effective and world-wide offensive against the terrorism. It is criticizes to deploy progressive anti-terrorist initiatives and to long term in the sectors more political, more diplomatic, more military, more juridical and more financial as well as in the domains of the piece of information and application of the law. The experts of the G8 continue to suggest again sectors where to focus the attention and hear to widen and reinforce the action strategy. A report under stretches all these efforts : the G8 cannot succeed only; it is necessary for him to be able to count on the full and entire cooperation of the body of the international community.

Considering that the definition given by the Commissioner GRC, Giuliano Zaccardelli, in front of the permanent Committee of justice and rights of the person and the special Committee of the Senate on the law project C-36 — the proposed Anti-Terrorism Act. What is terrorist activity? Terrorist activity is indiscriminate, global in scope and destabilizing in effect. Those who carry out terrorist activity have no respect for human life ; they will stop at nothing in their effort to achieve their goals. Terrorist activity is carried out by groups and individuals willing to commit suicidal acts of mass destruction against innocent civilians. They think nothing of strapping a bomb around their waist detonating it and themselves in a location strategically selected to result in the greatest possible loss of life and destruction of property. Terrorist groups are intricate, complex, sophisticated and clandestine criminal organizations. Terrorist groups have long term goals : to infiltrate and assimilate into society and establish individuals with "sleeper " roles. The terrorist activity constitutes an extraordinary threat for the corporation, as it's demonstrate in the tragic events of September 11. The fight against the terrorist activity demands extraordinary measures.

Consequently as long as the Minister of Justice, General Prosecutor, and Responsible Minister of the application of the professional laws, the Honorable Paul Bégin not held sway against the terrorist active one, discover by JACQUES CARTIER II in 1995 and 1997 to the Quebec in Canada. The Minister becomes therefore rebellious to the decisions that were taken at the time of the meeting of the Ministers of Justice and interior of the G8 having taken time the 13 and 14 May 2002 to the Mont-Tremblant (Quebec) Canada. 

Consequently as long as the Minister of the Public Security, the Honorable Norman Jutras not held sway  against the terrorist active one, discover by JACQUES CARTIER II in 1995 and 1997 to the Quebec in Canada. The Minister becomes therefore rebellious to the decisions that were taken at the time of the meeting of the Ministers of Justice and interior of the G8 having taken time the 13 and 14 May 2002 to the Mont-Tremblant  (Quebec) Canada.

Consequently as long as the Prime Minister of the Quebec, the Very Honorable Bernard Landry does not order to hold sway against the terrorist active one, discover by JACQUES CARTIER II in 1995 and 1997 to the Quebec in Canada. The Prime Minister becomes therefore rebellious to the decisions that were taken at the time of the meeting of the Ministers of Justice and interior of the G8 having taken time the 13 and 14 May 2002 to the Mont-Tremblant (Quebec) Canada.

Consequently as long as the Minister of Justice and General Prosecutor of Canada, the Honorable Martin Cauchon not held sway against the terrorist active one discover by JACQUES CARTIER II in 1995 and 1997 to the Quebec in Canada. The Minister becomes therefore rebellious to the decisions that were taken at the time of the meeting of the Ministers of Justice and interior of the G8 having taken time the 13 and 14 May 2002 to the Mont-Tremblant (Quebec) Canada. 

Consequently as long as the General Supplicant of Canada, the Honorable Lawrence MacAulay not held sway  against the terrorist active one, discover by JACQUES CARTIER II in 1995 and 1997 to the Quebec in Canada. The Minister becomes therefore rebellious to the decisions that were taken at the time of the meeting of the Ministers of Justice and interior of the G8 having taken time the 13 and 14 May 2002 to the Mont-Tremblant (Quebec) Canada.

Consequently so and also a long time as the Prime Minister of Canada, the Very Honorable Joseph Jacques Jean Chrétien does not order to hold sway against the terrorist active one discover by JACQUES CARTIER II in 1995 and 1997 to the Quebec in Canada. The Prime Minister becomes therefore rebellious to the decisions that were taken at the time of the meeting of the Ministers of Justice and interior of the G8 having taken time the 13 and 14 May 2002 to the Mont-Tremblant (Quebec) Canada.

What can I say...

I remember still very well La Belle Province since 1978 have been change !
I am preparing so the futur, act for the health of the families.
I say unto you in all truth and please believe me!...

As long as the government will not want to lead the medical team implied in the medical file CHUS 398 068 before the criminal chamber of THE SUPERIOR COURT OF QUEBEC in order to admit the error of having made a multitude of crime on my person in reference to the Criminal Code of the country: public mischief, illegal detention during 57 days, forgery, use of forgery, mist lead, criminal harassments, physical and mental torture, chemical torture (Lithium, Haldol, Rivotril, Dalmane, Ativan, Cogentin, Mellaril and Stelazine), attempted murder by overdose of legal drugs, plot and persecution forcing me to leave exiled. Invoicing by professionals for care not received for my account, that is to say BOUS 5706 2019, frauds made in 1995 and denounced by myself on May 19th, 1997! 

Criminal Medical file - CHUS 398 068 - And Held Hidden 34 Month!
Deposit of a civil lawsuit against the CHUS in front of the Superior Court of Canada the 980414!
Testimony - 1998 - In front of THE HONORABLE Superior Court of Canada!

As long as the government will not reconsider this week of February 06th, 1995 at the College of Sherbrooke including this false declaration  : «Have you seen him? A real insane! He could go home to seek weapons and then to come to kill us like Marc Lepine did!» made by a coed of the group 1308 which was there mentally sick at this time even in a paranoid psychosis with a problem of false vision.

As long as the government will not lean seriously on the behaviour of the Sherbrooke Regional Police Service in this affair.

I say it to you in truth, as God used Terry Fox to overcome cancer God, will use me to overcome the Medical Maffia and to fight his Mental illnesses in order to build a Better Country! February 12th 2002, that will be 7 years that I answer to the call that I had received from Our-Father. Moreover my fruits are in my writings. «Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?» Matthew 7:21-22


As long as the government does not consider the terrorist one as a whole body, the phenomenon will take more and more extent and will be more active in the field. For the terrorist the group work and of individuals that are ready to die while putting destruction gestures of mass against of the civil innocent one but

As long as the government does not hold sway against the doctors, the policemen, and the professors that deprived me of my constitutional rights while committing terrorist acts on my person. This same government deludes itself while not acting against these terrorist groups who have goals to long term: seep in in the corporation, itself there to integrate and there to establish individuals to that are confided roles of «watchmen». The fight against the terrorist activity demands what extraordinary measures is taken against the terrorist ones that acted also before the events of September 11th 2001. The fight to the terrorist one must start with the respect and the application of our Charters and of our laws of all the people without exception what so ever their profession. 

As long as the government do not establish a royal commission of investigation on the abuses in mental health. There will be some more and more mental patients to the Quebec.

As long as the government puts itself the head in the sand in order to close itself the ears and the eyes on all this history of the Quebec in Canada, there will be some more and more dramas of horrors.




Serge Joseph Adrien Bourassa-Lacombe
Alias: Victor DeLamarre II - Jacques Cartier II - David II
Martin Luther King Jr the White Nothing Was Wrong With The Black
Web site : www.bourassa-lacombe.org

Attention : All emails sent to this address will be useful for me, JACQUES CARTIER II !

FOR THE KING of the kings & THE LORD of the lords

1645, rue King Ouest, suite 188
Sherbrooke (Quebec) Canada J1J 2C7
Pager : (819) 560-5793
FAX : (514) 389-6271
Pacific Nomad & Light Warrior in Canada  
Telephone : (514) 934-0876
Pager : (819) 560-5793

Le travail de DIEU est toujours en progression pour SA CRÉATION VOIRE LA FONDATION SERGE BOURASSA-LACOMBE DEPUIS LE 12 FÉVRIER 1995 selon JEAN 14:11-15 - Croyez-moi, je suis dans le Père, et le Père est en moi; croyez du moins à cause de ces oeuvres. En vérité, en vérité, je vous le dis, celui qui croit en moi fera aussi les oeuvres que je fais, et il en fera de plus grandes, parce que je m'en vais au Père; et tout ce que vous demanderez en mon nom, je le ferai, afin que le Père soit glorifié dans le Fils. Si vous demandez quelque chose en mon nom, je le ferai. Si vous m'aimez, gardez mes commandements.

The work of GOD is always in progression for HIS CREATION SEE SERGE BOURASSA-LACOMBE'S FONDATION SINCE FEBRUARY 12TH 1995 as JOHN 14:11-15 - Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very work's sake. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. If ye love me, keep my commandments.

The el trabajo de DIOS está siempre en la progresión para SU CREACIÓN VISTO SERGE BOURASSA-LACOMBE'S FONDATION DESDE EL 12 DE FEBRERO DE 1995 como JUAN 14:11-15 - Creedme que yo soy en el Padre, y el Padre en mí; de otra manera, creedme por las mismas obras. De cierto, de cierto os digo: El que en mí cree, las obras que yo hago, él las hará también; y aun mayores hará, porque yo voy al Padre. Y todo lo que pidiereis al Padre en mi nombre, lo haré, para que el Padre sea glorificado en el Hijo. Si algo pidiereis en mi nombre, yo lo haré. La promesa del Espíritu Santo Si me amáis, guardad mis mandamientos.
Le gouvernement au Canada est fondéé sur des principes qui reconnaissent la supréématie de Dieu et la primauté du droit. Les citoyens canadiens peuvent compter sur une société fondée sur le droit et l'ordre. Un traitement équitable et impartial devant la loi leur est garanti. Les tribunaux canadiens veillent au respect de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés; Canadian government is is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law. Canadian citizens can count on a society based on law and order. They can count on the law being applied equally and impartially. This remains the case today. Canada's courts enforce the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. El gobierno ? Canadian es es founded sobre los principios que reconocen la supremacía de Dios y la orden de la ley. Los ciudadanos canadienses pueden contar con una sociedad basada en el orden público. Ellos pueden contar con la ley para ser aplicado igualmente e imparcialmente. Esto permanece el caso hoy. Canadá'los tribunales des imponen el Fletamento canadiense de Derechos y Libertades.
Le ciel tombe sur Sherbrooke !... Un orage du tonnerre : 90 mm de pluie en une heure !... Pour savoir pourqoi exactement le mardi 2 juillet 2002 veuillez cliquer sur la tempête ! The sky falls on Sherbrooke !...  A storm of the thunder: 90 mm of rain in an hour!...  To know why exactly on Tuesdays July 2nd  2002 click on the storm!  El cielo cae en Sherbrooke!... Una tempestad del trueno: 90 Mm de la lluvia en una hora! ... Para saber por qué exactamente los martes 2 de julio 2002 chasquean en la tempestad! QUEBEC -->> Le Québec est une société démocratique, moderne et industrialisée. Adoptée en 1975, la Charte québécoise des droits et libertés reconnaît que la personne est titulaire de certaines libertés et de certains droits fondamentaux que même l'État ne peut restreindre, à moins de le faire par loi. L'histoire et la volonté commune des Québécois ont permis l'édification d'une société où le pouvoir s'exerce de façon démocratique et où le droit prime la force. Québec is a democratic, modern and industrialized society. Québec's Charter of human rights and freedoms, adopted in 1975, recognizes that every human being has certain fundamental rights and freedoms that even the State may not restrict unless it does so by law. History and the common will of Quebecers have enabled themselves to build a society in which power is exercised democratically, a society of right over might. Quebec constituye una sociedad democrática, moderna e industrializada. La Carta Quebequense de Derechos y Libertades, adoptada en 1975, reconoce que la persona es titular de ciertas libertades y de ciertos derechos fundamentales que ni siquiera el Estado puede restringir, salvo que lo haga mediante la promulgación de leyes. La historia y la voluntad común de los quebequenses hicieron posible la construcción de una sociedad en la cual el poder se ejerce de manera democrática y el derecho tiene prelación sobre la fuerza.
/ Español