Commissioner of Canada Elections
Commissaire aux élections fédérales
January 18th 2001
File: # 1200-6-E00-5-A-3
M. Serge Joseph Adrien Bourassa-Lacombe

Dear Sir,

                The present one takes action on your facsimile of November 25th 2000 and your email on December 12th 2000, pleading infringements with the electoral Law of Canada and the Canadian Charter of the rights and freedoms, in what you were constrained to submit you to a psychiatric examination during the election campaign.

                As a police chief with the federal elections, I have the role of taking care of the observation and the execution of the Electoral Law of Canada.

                You can consult this law on the Elections Canada Internet site to the following address: «». As this law is of penal nature, it receives a restrictive interpretation on behalf of the Court one, which implies the production of a proof out of any reasonable doubt.

                The facts reported in your letter do not constitute an infringement with the Electoral Law of Canada ; in the light of these only facts, I could not thus show the commission from an infringement.

                I thank you for the interest which you carry to the electoral process and asks you to approve, Sir, the expression of my distinguished feelings.

The commissioner of the federal elections,
Raymond A. Landry

257 Slater Street, Ottawa, Canada K1A 0M6
(613) 988-4051/Fax: (613) 990-4877/1 800 267 7360

Commissioner of Canada Elections
Commissaire aux élections fédérales
December 5th 2000

File # 1200-6-E00-5-A-3

M. Serge Bourassa-Lacombe
1645, rue King ouest, suite 188
Sherbrooke (Quebec)
J1J 2C7

Dear Sir,

                Your fax dated November 25th 2000 was received at the Office of Commissioner of the federal elections who is responsible for the respect and the application of the electoral Law of Canada./font»

We will communicate again with you relating to your complaint.

Please accept, Sir, the expression of my distinguished feelings.


The adviser of the Commissioner,

Johanne Massicotte

257 Slater Street, Ottawa, Canada K1A 0M6
(613) 988-4051/Fax: (613) 990-4877/ 1 800 267 7360
Commissioner of Elections Canada
o/s Canada Elections
257, street Slater
Ottawa (Ontario)
K1A 0M6

The present one is to take action on this complaint that I forwarded to you on November 25th 2000 whose subject; Severe Constraint in the Good Will Electoral Functioning «Sherbrooke». I had used the fax number (613) 990-4877, since I did not receive from you an acknowledgement of delivery, they at Elections Canada might not had given me the right one.

You will understand dear Commissioner that it's of my duty of citizen to be sure that this complaint will follow its suitable course even heard for continuation. It goes from there to make sure that our Canadian Charter of the rights and freedom as well as the Electoral Law of Canada will be respect.

Moreover, I wish to send to you the electronic address of this complaint in order to allow you to receive a complete information and appropriate to this known as complaint.

Hoping to have an answer from

Your Independent Candidate in Sherbrooke county.

Why Such Signature?

Serge Joseph Adrien Bourassa-Lacombe
Alias: Victor DeLamarre II et Martin Luther King Jr The White Nothing Was Wrong With The Black


583, rue Guizot Est
Montreal Quebec) Canada H2P 1N4
Telephone: (514) 388-4567
Fax: (514) 389-6271
Pager: (819) 560-5793

Sherbrooke, Saturday November 25 2000 01:20PM
Commissioner of Elections Canada
Fax: (613) 990-4877
Dear Commissioner,
I am Independent Candidate in the District of Sherbrooke and I wish to deposit to your attention a formal complaint under the terms of the Electoral Law of Canada and of our Canadian Charter of human rights and freedom, because November 23rd 2000 I had been forced to submit to an psychiatric examination at the CLSC Sherbrooke SOC - the reason call upon RISK OF HOMICIDE, I transmit to you a copy of my electoral platform with a copy of the form  Request of assistance - Agent of peace which according the article 8 of law on the protection of person but it must be only use when the mental state of a person represent a danger for himself or for other.
I draw to your attention several connections; I know all the procedures in the candidate act, I recall to you that my statement was made under an oath in front of Mr Richard Dion, director of poll for the district of Sherbrooke. At the time of my sworn in, I was accompanied by Mr Eric Nutbrown which was also sworn in in front of Mr Dion at the time of the deposit of my candidature with the support of identity papers.
I remember July 12, 1996 and Me Guy Lavigne, director of the Civil status of Quebec because this last authorized the change of my name noting that I had serious reasons to see it changing. NO: 1996 CN 1149 file 952054
In the facts the social services caused wrong with an aim of harming the good electoral functioning in Sherbrooke. Because the name of the beneficiary does not correspond with mine, what is more in the request of Daniel Chiasson, intervening pivot, this last writing telephones unknown and addresses unknown. However Mr Dion has all this information. You will also note that information is included in all electoral publicity approved by Mr Etienne Pelletier my official agent. It goes without saying that more than 3 000 flyers and more than 8 000 businesses cards were also distributed until now.
Mr Daniel Chiasson, social worker working with the CLSC Sherbrooke SOC on the reception of my electoral platform request of the assistance to the police officers of Sherbrooke so that the latter locate me in my election campaign with an aim of harming me.
The Public Security of the Sherbrooke Area as long as it has knows all my legal steps towards the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Sherbrooke concerning the medical file CHUS 398 068 since a civil lawsuit had been deposited on April 14, 1998 before the Superior Court of Canada from which I delivered testimony under oath during 10 hours 450-05-002521-983 and in reference to the Criminal Code of the Country accommodated the deposit of a complaint on September 18th 2000 : SBK20000918013 : illegal detention during 57 days, public misleads, forgery, use of forgery, mischief, criminal harassing, physical and mental torture, chemical torture (Lithium, Haldol, Rivotril, Dalmane, Ativan, Congentin, Mellaril and Stelazine) attempt of murder per overdose of legal drugs, plot and persecution forcing an exile.
The Quebec Government and the outgoing Canadian Government know that its (Lagging since more than five years and half!) Even October 27th 2000 Ministry for the public Security - Me Dany Sauvageau, political adviser of the Honourable Serge Menard, minister R.N.: BSM5397
So that your comprehension be perfect concerning this legitimate complaint bus not only the people denounced in this letter attacked my dignity and my integrity by ridiculing my rights once more, becoming by that even antisocial and undemocratic in fact. As a citizen being entitled to the equality, it is of my duty to act peacefully in peace and in the love of Jesus Christ because the gifts which I have come from Our Father. To GOD the revenge and the retribution.
Electoral Running Canada 2000 - Independent Candidate Sherbrooke
November 22 2000 06:00PM to November 23 2000 03:00AM
Manuel Mayoral, Jeweller - Setter - Engraver 237 Aberdeen Sherbrooke (819) 569-0785 Manufacture of a single cross handmade solid gold and silver - Received like a gift from GOD for his Glory and the Salvation of the World.
November 23 2000 03:27AM at 03:33AM
SPRS Special Delivery of my program accompanied by 160 businesses cards received by Lieutenant Jolain for Andre Castonguay, director of the criminal investigations
November 23 2000 02: 04PM at 02:08PM
SPRS Meets Andre Castonguay for suitable follow-up: «I received your electoral program and your businesses cards, I know that one of my investigators requires to see you.»
November 23 2000 02:08PM at 02:11PM
Andre Castonguay lead me from the ground level to the second floor of the 400 street Marquette Sherbrooke
November 23 2000 02:11PM at 02:19PM
Then an officer asked me what do I carry in my red bag and if I have weapons with me. I took from my left pocket my small penknife. They then decides to seize it to me. On standby in a very small room, they had shut the door and locked it asking me to await the investigator Luc Baillargeon
November 23 2000 02:19PM at 02:45PM
Luc Baillargeon arrives accompanied by Alain Levesque both investigators. Mr Baillargeon presents the form to me: 
«Request For Assistance Agent of Peace» This form does not relate to me at all because the name of the required beneficiary is not mine. I draw the attention of the investigators to this litigation but the latter want to be unaware of it in order to harm the good functioning of this election campaign. The charge is very prejudicial for my candidature as the independent candidate of Sherbrooke! I ask for the assistance of a lawyer Me Bernard Caouette (Luc Baillargeon tells me that he is not available for the moment) I thus ask for Me Jacques Blanchette (Idem) Finally, Me Bernard Caouette joined me on the phone, I explain the situation to him and to his request I submit myself to this evaluation in order to allow me to write this present letter.
November 23 2000 02:45PM at 02:55PM
Transport from the SPRS to the CLSC Sherbrooke SOC in a car not identified driven by Luc Baillargeon, I sat on the back bench just beside Alain Lévesque
November 23 2000 02:55PM at 04:06PM
At the CLSC, I meet Mrs Floyd and Mr Bourgault in the presence of Luc Baillargeon investigator for a reason of HOMICIDE RISK  even RISK TO BECOME A SERIAL KILLER Because all of them refer to a Criminal Medical File CHUS 398 068. File to which there exists since April 14, 1998 a civil lawsuit of 1 888 000 $ front the Superior Court of Canada, district Saint-François, what is more there is a criminal complaint SBK20000918013 accommodated by the SPRS against the CHUS.
I undersigned BOURASSA-LACOMBE Serge Joseph Adrien, Independent Candidate of the District of Sherbrooke even declares you at that time, Commissioner of election Canada in front of GOD and in front of Canadians that I believe in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I also believe in his speech on the mountain. (...)  Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison. Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing. (...) Matthew 5:25-26
November 23 2000 04:20PM at 05:40PM
I went to the office of Me Bernard Caouette who strongly recommends to me to go to the CUSE Bowen site accompanied by witness on Friday.
November 24 2000 10:15AM at 11:12AM
In this Friday, last open day of my electoral run I thus go to the CUSE site Bowen accompanied by Mr Jacques Romeo Bourdages, who suffering from panic crisis and who asking to receive the care in mental health for is problems of panic and who are not able to receive some since he had arrived in Sherbrooke area. I am also accompanied by Mr Mansour Danis, social worker at La Chaudronnée community organization as popular soup. I go to the Archives/Direction of Human resources/General Direction Serge Trachy, assistant manager/External Clinic 5th floor to the secretary of Dr. Pierre Gagne psychiatrist chief and expert in forensic medicine which I meet temporarily when this last arrives at its office. Knowing that he is a very occupied man and that I am in election campaign not to disturb but to be hoping to find a lost dignity.
I will never jump leads just like Our Lord Jesus Christ died to the cross for us sinners. However I see that they treats me like they had treated the apostle Paul. What is more, I acted like Jesus and his disciples taught it to me through the Gospel and it is time for the Country to understand that «For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.» Epistle of Paul in Romans chapter 1 verses 18 and 19 King James Version.
The will of God shall be done on the ground as in Heaven!
And that God comes to assist our country Canada!
PS: My signature will remain always personal with my lived and will never be a reason to take away from me my rights and my freedom but rather the hope of a collective repentance towards me because I am and I will remain worthy of my engagement towards God to be used in my country as an adviser in spiritual guidance anti-crime and anti-suicide. Hyperactive and altruist since my birth I will be to it all my life because I understood the importance to love my neighboured like myself.