© Serge Bourassa-Lacombe : Certificate de depot SARDEC 09425 22mai 1997 May 22nd Copyright ©

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I undersigned Serge Joseph Adrien Bourassa-Lacombe by the Spirit of God (see Holy Spirit) has obtain by the Grace of Jesus Christ the gift of healing people in distress of all kind since December 25th 1994. I take advantage of this opportunity to show you my compassion for the victims of Marc Lepine massacre of December 6th 1989 at the Polytechnic of the University of Montreal. I also have this compassion for the families that where linked close or far to the killing of Dr Valery L. Fabrikant on August 24th 1992 at Concordia University. In fact, why is this event kept silence since its beginning? I also think on the families that have lost two teenagers of 17 years old, by a teenager of 14 years old on April 28th 1999 at the W.R. Myers public high school in Taber, Alberta. The identity of surviving student can not be reveal because of the law on young criminals. I have even more compassion for the criminals and their families, because it is even harder for them. Light will have to be shed on the events that I have lived in the Sherbrooke College during the week of February 6th, 1995 in order to diminish violence in our schools. I am still alive to write and that my peace actions will be use to build a Better Country.

I would like to ask you a question, the most important on in your life. I would like to ask you a question, the most important on in your life. Your happiness or your doom, for all ETERNITY depends upon your answer. The question is: Are you saved? Are you sure you will go to Heaven when you will die? I am not asking you if you are a church member, but are you saved? It is not also a question of how good you are, but if you are saved? Truly, nobody can have the blessings of God or go to heaven without being previously saved by the simple plan of Salvation of God, presented by Robert Ford Porter (see : ) ?

God has wanted me altruistic, extraverted, hyperactive and demonstrative. This as allowed me to discover in the summer of 1995 that I had the same identity than another man. On January 4th 1997, I discovered that we were tree that were born on the island of Montreal on June 20th1957 having the same family name Lacombe and the same first name Serge, also having the same high and the same weight. These facts have forced me to ask Me Guy Lavigne, director of Civil State of Quebec to change my family name to Bourassa-Lacombe. This is the decision No: 1996 CN 1149 (see this decision ).  After, I have decided to exile myself to the USA during 388 days because I was scared for my security and also to reduce the cost of security of others. 

On may 9th 2000 02 h 00 PM (see notice of convocation : documents/ commission /cai/20000509.htm ),  I will be in the Court House in the audience room 10 at Sherbrooke (Quebec) Canada in front of Me Michel Laporte, commissioner at the Commission of information access of Quebec. I will be their against the Public Security Ministry of Quebec because the Centre of Police Information of Quebec refuse to give me access to information that would allow me to show the bug of the Public Security (see of same judicial identity). Because with all the technology we have, it is out dated to check the identity of somebody by using is last name, first name and birth date.

In the meantime, I continue to write, convince by Faith that I will obtain justice. Last summer, during Canada Holiday, I was in Toronto, engage in a march across the country to demand a Royal Inquiry commission on the abuse of human rights in mental health. I believe that will save billions of dollars in social cost of all kind to heal sick people and feed the hungry. It was in that city that I have rewrite to the Very Honourable Jean Chretien and Lucien Bouchard (see this letter ). 

In the fall of 1994, Gerard Dehaies and Yvan Denis, teachers at Sherbrooke College, did not want me to go to Florida as a veterinary assistant in horse races. In the month of December, the same year, my term of probation was finally accepted. But on February 8th1995, when a student with a psychosis paranoid, think that I am a man becoming like Marc Lepine II. But on Monday February 6th 1995, in front of the group and with the authorization of the teacher Patrick Metcalfe, I speak to them. Being president of my class and the oldest, I had to tell them that I forgive them of rejecting me. I explaining them also that I do not need to excuse myself because we are all influence by goof and terrorize by evil. But the teachers have used this event to stop me to go to Florida in treating me this way. At that moment, the department teachers knew that I had received gifts of God on December 25th 1994, and I using them to heal people in distress. So why on February 10th 1995, The teacher Martin Nadeau ask me if I want to see a man that has receive gifts from God and use them to heal people in distress. Above that, she told me that he is a friend of my teacher Jean-Pierre Roy and maybe that man could help me. This man was Jean Soucy, psychologist at Sherbrooke College.

Yes, I am a victim, even the Ministry of education is asking me since 1995 to pay my student loan, (see letter address to the Minister of education on September 29th 1999). I am lived more then misfortune, Yvan Denis and Gerard Dehaies, are responsible of public mischief on my person, by provoking other colleague with them to prevent me to go to Gainesville in Florida for my term of probation in Spring 1995. They have become responsible of the starting point of my Calvary therewith an illegal arrest follows on February 11th 1995 at Sherbrooke, without any doubt because of an mistaken identity, two persons having the same identity.  

The Centre de Santé Universitaire de l'Estrie, his responsible of having imprison me against my will, in a psychiatric floor, without any court order, for 57 days. Above that, they have treated me as a manic-depressive, paranoiac, schizophrenic, narcissism, having mystical religious folly, with a potential of becoming a serial killer. The psychiatric doctors LYNN GAUDREAULT, JEAN-PHILIPPE BOULANGER, CLAUDE ARBOUR and the trainee doctor MARC LEFEBVRE are all accused of physical, mental and chemical torture: Lithium, Haldol, Rivotril, Dalmane et Ativan, enough drugs to talk about torture instead of illegal therapeutic stubbornness. M. PAUL MONTAMBAULT and ANDRE SIMARD are responsible of perjury in the record (see the lawsuit : /documents/court_super/980414.htm ). All these people have prevented me of having access of my medical file during 34 months in order to retain truth captive, Romans 1:18 (King James Version) For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; 19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hat showed it unto them. (see the decision of the Commission of Social Affair : ).

I remember becoming by these strange events, the public number one enemy during summer 1995 in Montreal. Even, one day I saw three helicopters above my head that followed me everywhere in Montreal. A lot of police was after me. I even saw a non-identify RCMP car searching for me in the streets of old Montreal. Also, on July 18th,  eight armed MUC police surrounded me at the Verdun Hospital because a doctor refused to treat my feet. I remember, from January 4th to 30th 1997 having lived 26 days in prison, among those, 8 days at the Psychiatric Institute Phillip Pinel of Montreal because the doctors had perjure themselves to protect all this Mafia of 1995. On April 24th 1997, I send from Chicoutimi by recommended letter to the College of doctors and also to 26 persons by certified true copy, among others; the Very Honourable Lucien Bouchard and Jean Chretien (see formal complaints /writing/970424.htm ). 

I am working since February 11th 1995 without respite in order to obtain justice for the good of all a nation because I believe in Romans 13:3 (King James Version) for rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: (see the Minister of : ). Soon or lather, I will obtain justice,

I am constantly looking for people who will provide me the necessary funds so that my rights will be respected in Quebec in front of the Superior Court of Canada in order to build a Better Country (see invitation: ).

"Persecution provokes paranoia while lack of understanding from people may cause schizophrenia"

 Why Such Signature?

Serge Joseph Adrien Bourassa-Lacombe
Alias : Victor DeLamarre II and Martin Luther King Jr The White Nothing Was Wrong With The Black


1645, rue King Ouest, suite 188
Sherbrooke (Quebec) Canada J1J 2C7
Fax : (819) 346-0269
Pager : (819) 560-5793